🌿 Backyard Joy

🌿 Our oasis of a backyard is the most joyful place on earth for me these days. Unaware of the news, nature presses on. 
While painting in the sunroom, I watch deer, squirrels, groundhogs, opossums, and the cottontail rabbit who lives in the back thicket. Our family named him Georgie after the little bunny in Rabbit Hill.

Cardinals, blue jays, robins, woodpeckers, hummingbirds, and chickadees dart from tree to tree as a Great Horned Owl, Cooper's Hawk, and committee of vultures prowl from above. 

Several mostly-friendly neighborhood cats prance across the lawn in search of mice. Next door, a new puppy barks at his family's free-range hens. 

On rare occasions, a red fox or coyote makes an appearance and everyone else hides. 

Outside my bedroom window, a lovely fragrant viburnum bush blooms in late springtime. Around the base of the biggest maple tree, vinca pop out in splendid purple against green ivy. Dandelions add yellow and white joy as we participate in no-mow May. 

I can see glorious sunsets as the house looks out to the west. Later, the moon rises so bright it cascades like diamonds through tiny openings in my blinds. 

And birdsong! All day. So many varieties of sweet nothings are exchanged. 

Nature is not cancelled ~ and I have a front row seat.

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Be well,

Ann is an artist and writer from Ohio. Support her work and access her printables at Patreon. Follow her on YouTube for fresh journal flips and reviews. Join her newsletter for e-mail updates.