🌿 Giving Thanks

🌿 We've been blessed with one of the prettiest, longest autumns in recent memory. The fall colors were gorgeous, and temperatures ranged in the 60's and 70's nearly every day for two whole months. I enjoyed so many photo walks and nature hikes this year.

Now that temperatures have dropped and traces of snow dot the landscape, it's time to celebrate the harvest.

Wishing everyone a marvelous Thanksgiving holiday! May we all have the spirit of gratitude . . . and a slice or two of pumpkin pie.

featured supplies

goldRanger Super Fine Embossing Powder, Gold


stamp padVersamark

paint Isaro watercolors

paperStrathmore 400 watercolor cards with envelopes

brushPrinceton Velvetouch long round #2


Be well,

Ann is an artist and writer from Ohio. Support her work and access her printables at Patreon. Follow her on YouTube for fresh journal flips and reviews. Join her newsletter for e-mail updates.